Friday, 25 September 2015

Invisible Cities: Anastasia

For Anastasia, I mainly focussed on the pools and canals. Thumbnail 8 is a rough idea of what the city would look like from a bird's-eye view, with a small section for the pools and market surrounded by canals - kind of like a prison surrounded by water. I wanted the city to seem quite beautiful from the ground, but dark and oppressive from above, something the people walking around the city wouldn't notice. I also had the idea to incorporate the various gems and stones mentioned into the description of the city, into the buildings (seen in thumbnails 1, 7 and 9). The gems are visible just above the water line, where fewer and fewer of them are built into the brick as the building gets taller, so the top is only dark bricks.


  1. Nice to see your sketches, Eleanor. Perhaps zoom out a bit more so we get to see more of the surroundings? I like (3) as it's a different from the others. Keep going!

  2. 7 is looking awesome to me, the slight tilt is very nice. 4 is pretty evocative.

  3. Very striking set of thumbnails!

  4. Oh, really awesome thumbnails! The contrast is great. I really like number 7, feels intriguing and interesting. Keep them coming! : )
