Monday 5 November 2018

Minor/Major Project: Dobhar-chú - Development

Giant river otter studies.
Looking over my previous Dobhar-chú post, I was advised to do some studies to get to grips with the creature. The closest thing to the Dobhar-chú for me was the giant river otter found in the Amazon, with it's larger form and more beastly appearance to the sea or eurasian otter.

The Dobhar-chú is said to be dog-like, so I looked at pictures of various dog breeds to try and merge them with the river otter. I like the bulldog and alsatian the most, and will most likely give the Dobhar-chú a body resembling that of squatter breeds such as the pitbull or bulldog, to match the river otters short legs.

1 comment:

  1. Of course I'm biased towards the chihuahua :) but the Alsatian looks really great and suited for a water dog-otter monster :D
